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How to use multiple ngFor on one directive for property binding

I'm using ng-drag and drop npm module which provides draggable directive. I also have a 2D array with list of items I want to display inside li elements and make each of them draggable. The thing is that I cannot use multiple ngFor's because that is not valid in angular, so I need to find a way to get around this. For that I wrapped my inner array items inside ng-container but this doesn't help because then I can't drag individual li items, it wraps the whole list. The only idea I have came up with is this:


  vegetables = [[
{name: 'Carrot', type: 'vegetable'},
{name: 'Onion', type: 'vegetable'},
{name: 'Potato', type: 'vegetable'},
{name: 'Capsicum', type: 'vegetable'}],
  {name: 'Carrotas', type: 'vegetable'},
  {name: 'Onionas', type: 'vegetable'},
  {name: 'Potatoas', type: 'vegetable'},
  {name: 'Capsicumas', type: 'vegetable'}]]


      this.indexes = this.vegetables[this.i];


<li class="list-group-item list-group-item-action list-group-item-success" [draggable] *ngFor="let item of [this.indexes]" [dragClass]="'active'" [dragTransitClass]="'active'" [dragData]="item" [dragScope]="item.type" [dragEnabled]="dragEnabled">


but this doesn't print out anything either.

Now I left my code like this:

 <li class="list-group-item list-group-item-action list-group-item-success" [draggable] *ngFor="let item of [vegetables[0]]" [dragClass]="'active'" [dragTransitClass]="'active'" [dragData]="item" [dragScope]="item.type" [dragEnabled]="dragEnabled">
  <ng-container *ngFor="let items of item">

but it puts all items in outside array index in one li row and not separate draggable items as I need and looks like this:

enter image description here

But I want each item to be in separate green rows and each to be draggable.


  • You are close. You need to invert li and ng-container and you will be good to go. Example:

    <ng-container *ngFor="let item of [vegetables[0]]">
        *ngFor="let items of item"
        class="list-group-item list-group-item-action list-group-item-success"