I want to convert HTML code to Image(png/jpg) on Web Server and then send image link in email in my .NET Core application. I don't want to purchase any third party library like NReco or EVo.
Is there any other way to convert HTML To Image in dotnet core 2.0?
I use net-core-html-to-image library that embeds wkhtmltoimage tool. The library is very simple to use. There is a nuget package:
Install-Package CoreHtmlToImage
If you want to convert HTML string to image:
var converter = new HtmlConverter();
var html = "<div><strong>Hello</strong> World!</div>";
var bytes = converter.FromHtmlString(html);
File.WriteAllBytes("image.jpg", bytes);
Or for URLs:
var converter = new HtmlConverter();
var bytes = converter.FromUrl("http://google.com");
File.WriteAllBytes("image.jpg", bytes);