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What is the difference between Axios and SuperAgent libraries?

I am learning JavaScript and I can see, in multiple big projects, SuperAgent is being used for HTTP Request. I am using Axios for learning purpose, but wondering what makes SuperAgent different to Axios?


  • axios has more stars than superagent, check here

    If you are doing front end, axios is probably more popular, e.g. vue uses axios, I am doing back end, either one works.

    But just like one answer in Axios vs Superagent said "I’d base my decision on other factors, like which API you like better, and library size " I tried both and finally chose supergent b/c superagent has build-in retry

    axios does not provide retry, I really don't like the idea of introducing another module just for retry, not to mention there are already 2 different modules now, axios-retry vs retry-axios.

    Besides, thru my limited test, this issue has not been fully fixed.