Here is the code I'm using now:
function emailQuestionnaireAsPDF(questionnaireKey) {
if (app.getActiveUserRoles().indexOf(app.roles.Admins) === -1) {
throw new Error('You don\'t have permissions to perform this operation');
var questionnaire = app.models.Questionnaire.getRecord(questionnaireKey);
if (!questionnaire) {
throw new Error('Questionnaire was not found');
var tmpDoc = DocumentApp.create(FILE_NAME + ' ' +;
var body = tmpDoc.getBody();
var title = questionnaire.FirstName + '\'s Questionnaire';
var fields = app.metadata.models.Questionnaire.fields;
body.insertParagraph(0, title)
appendField_(body, fields.FirstName.displayName,
appendField_(body, fields.LastName.displayName,
appendField_(body, fields.LikeIceCream.displayName,
appendField_(body, fields.FavoriteMovie.displayName,
appendField_(body, fields.FavoriteColor.displayName,
appendField_(body, fields.LuckyNumber.displayName,
var blob = tmpDoc.getAs(MimeType.PDF);
var pdfFile = DriveApp.createFile(blob);
sendEmail_(Session.getActiveUser().getEmail(), FILE_NAME, pdfFile.getUrl());
I'm trying to append all fields, from a model related to Questionnaire, to the "pdfFile". How is this done in a way all fields & values associated are pasted to the pdfFile in a table like format?
Based on your description, this is what I've done:
Created a model called questionnaire with the following fields:
I added a couple of test records. Then on the server script I added two functions. The first one to send email looks like this:
function sendEmail(recipient, fileUrl, fileName){
var pdfBlob = UrlFetchApp.fetch(fileUrl).getAs("application/pdf");
to: recipient,
subject: "PDF Email Sample",
htmlBody: "Attached the PDF File",
attachments: [pdfBlob]
The second function to generate the document looks like this:
function emailQuestionnaireAsPDF(questionnaireKey){
if (app.getActiveUserRoles().indexOf(app.roles.Admins) === -1) {
throw new Error('You don\'t have permissions to perform this operation');
var questionnaire = app.models.questionnaire.getRecord(questionnaireKey);
if (!questionnaire) {
throw new Error('Questionnaire was not found');
//Start generating the HTML template
var htmlData = "";
htmlData += "<h1 style='text-align:center'>" + questionnaire.firstName + "'s Questionnaire </h1><br>"; //Title of the document
//Create table start tag
htmlData += "<table style='border:none;'>";
//Create headers and append to table
var headers = ["QUESTION", "RESPONSE"];
var hRowStyle = "background-color:#efefef"; //style for table header row
var hCellStyle = "font-weight:bold; padding-top:4px; padding-bottom: 3px; border-bottom:1px solid #bebebe;"; //style for table header cells
htmlData += "<tr style='"+hRowStyle+"'><td style='"+hCellStyle+"'>" + headers.join("</td><td style='"+hCellStyle+"'>") + "</td></tr>";
//Define row cell styles
var tdSytle = "border-bottom: 1px solid #bebebe; border-left:0px; border-right:0px; padding-top:7px; padding-bottom: 6px;";
//Create table rows
var rows = [];
rows.push(["First Name:", questionnaire.firstName]); // Add firstName
rows.push(["Last Name:", questionnaire.lastName]); // Add lastName
rows.push(["Likes Icecream:", questionnaire.likeIcecream]); // Add likeIceacream
rows.push(["Favorite Movie:", questionnaire.favoriteMovie]); // Add favoriteMovie
rows.push(["Favorite Color:", questionnaire.favoriteColor]); // Add favoriteColor
rows.push(["Lucky Number:", questionnaire.luckyNumber]); // Add luckyNumber
//Append rows to table
htmlData += "<tr><td style='"+tdSytle+"'>" + row.join("</td><td style='"+tdSytle+"'>") + "</td><tr>";
//Create table end tag
htmlData += "</table>";
//Create gooleDriveDoc
var fileName = questionnaire.firstName + "'s Questionnaire";
var data = Utilities.newBlob("").setDataFromString(htmlData).setContentType("text/html");
var drvFile = Drive.Files.insert({title: fileName}, data, {convert: true});
//Mail PDF File
var recipient = "";
var fileUrl = """/export?format=pdf&access_token="+ScriptApp.getOAuthToken();
sendEmail(recipient, fileUrl, fileName);
So, in summary, I've created a google document from an HTML template. Then, I used the download url with an access token to fetch the pdf Blob and attach it to the email.
The result is the following:
Reading through the code you should be able to catch what it's being done in detail and of course, you can improve it!