Whenever we want to create a listener, we implement a listener interface. For example, lets implement SensorEventListener
Now we have to override the methods of this listener interface.
public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event);
public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int accuracy);
What I don't understand is:
method gets called when the accuracy changes?onAccuracyChanged
is just an empty method that we override because our formula (or the interface we implement) requires us to do so. If it is something magical caused by the lower levelsIn computing, an interface is a shared boundary across which two or more separate components of a computer system exchange information.(Wikipedia)
You may wish to respond to some events either system events or user events. But for that you need to know when the event you wish to capture occurs and also what must be done at that time.
And for that you open a confidential EAR to listen to events. But that will not be sufficient since you need to be notified too so that you can reply according to the event. You set callbacks that will notify when an event occur. Those empty body methods we create inside an interface.
A Listener is that interface that hears and notify back through callbacks.
So how can all that be used? And how all these do interact?
public interface MyListener{
void actionOneHappens(Object o);
void actionTwo();
void actionThree();
public class MyCounter{
//create a member of type MyListener if you intend to exchange infos
private MyListener myListener;
//let's create a setter for our listener
public void setMyListener(MyListener listener)
//this method will help us count
public void startCounting()
new CountDownTimer(10000,1000)
public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) {
//I want to notify at third second after counter launched
// I notify if true :
//as someone can forget to set the listener let's test if it's not //null
public void onFinish() {
and know when it's at three:MyCounter myCounter=new MyCounter();
myCounter.setMyListener(new MyListener()
//then override methods here
void actionOneHappens(Object o){
void actionTwo()
void actionThree()
//Add you code here
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),"I'm at 3",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
//start your counter
And it's done!! That's how we proceed.