Using this code under imacros 9.0.3 running on Firefox 55 works very well extracting the text from the class
TAG XPATH="//div[contains(@class,'col-md-12 text-center alert alert-danger')]" EXTRACT=TXT
But if you implement the same situation on Javascript Running Imacros, it stops working
var macro;
macro = "CODE:";
macro += "TAG XPATH="//div[contains(@class,'col-md-12 text-center alert alert-danger')]" EXTRACT=TXT" + "\n";
I have also used in another more explicit way the location where I need to extract the content, but even so it does not work using the code in java
Hope the following script should work:
var macro;
macro = "CODE:";
macro += 'TAG XPATH="//div[contains(@class,\'col-md-12 text-center alert alert-danger\')]" EXTRACT=TXT' + "\n";