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How do I get rid of XXX Auto-generated method stub

I'm using an application called Eclipse to write java codes. So whenever I create a "New Class", it creates this comment.

"XXX Auto-generated method stub"

This is starting to become very annoying for me to have to delete this every time I start coding and I just want to start coding from scratch on a blank page with no auto-comment and only have the public class and static void main.

public class LocalVars
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // XXX Auto-generated method stub


Is there any way to get rid of this annoying random comment generator that does not apply to my coding?

I even went to Windows > Preferences > Java > Code Style > Formatter > Edit

and then turn off all checkboxes in Comments and Javadocs as well. Still no help at all.


  • Go to "Preferences > Java > Code Style > Code Templates > Code > Method body", click "Edit" and adjust to taste.

    Preferences > Java > Code Style > Code Templates > Code > Method body Code in created method stubs