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How do I update the CellTemplate DataTemplate control when the CellEditingTemplate DataTemplate control changes its bound value?

I have a Template Column in my DataGrid that looks like this:

            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Item}" />
                ItemsSource="{Binding Data.AssetDescriptions, Source={StaticResource proxy}}"
                SelectedValueBinding="{Binding AssetDescriptionID}"
                SelectedValuePath="AssetDescriptionID" />

The ViewModel has a public property containing the Asset Descriptions:

public IEnumerable<AssetDescription> AssetDescriptions { get; set; }

Where AssetDescription is essentially:

public class AssetDescription
    public int AssetDescriptionID { get; set; }
    public string Item { get; set; } // Description

The DataGrid itself is bound to an ObservableCollection<Asset> Assets property, where Asset contains both AssetDescriptionID and Item (description). To accomplish that, I join the Assets table to the AssetDescriptions table, like so:

var assets = _conn.Query<Asset>(
                @"SELECT A.AssetDescriptionID, D.Item 
                    FROM Assets A
                    JOIN AssetDescriptions D
                      ON D.AssetDescriptionID = A.AssetDescriptionID");

Assets = new ObservableCollection<Asset>(assets);

This all works perfectly, except that the TextBlock in the CellTemplate DataTemplate does not get updated to the new description when a new value is selected in the ComboBox.

How do I accomplish that?


  • The problem is that you only bind to the AssetDescriptionID-Property of your Asset. Item will never be touched (which your CellTemplate binds to).

    Option 1:
    Try using a DataGridComboBoxColumn instead of DataGridTemplateColumn
    Item (on Asset) is then no longer needed

        ItemsSource="{Binding Data.AssetDescriptions, Source={StaticResource proxy}}"
        SelectedValueBinding="{Binding AssetDescriptionID}"

    Option 2: If you really need the Item/description on your Asset
    Easiest solution will be to bind the whole object(AssetDescription).

    Change your Asset to this

    class Asset
        public AssetDescription AssetDescription {get;set;}

    And your CellEditingTemplate to this

            ItemsSource="{Binding Data.AssetDescriptions, Source={StaticResource proxy}}"
            SelectedItem="{Binding AssetDescription }" />

    And CellTemplate to this

    <TextBlock Text="{Binding AssetDescription.Item}" />

    Edit: You can also use a DataGridComboBoxColumn for Option 2

        ItemsSource="{Binding Data.AssetDescriptions, Source={StaticResource proxy}}"
        SelectedItemBinding="{Binding AssetDescription}">