My Unity project is really simple :
I'm rendering a 360° video on a texture. It plays via a Video Player applied to a panoramic Skybox. As described here :
It works fine on all platforms, except for the Web GL build. It compiles, plays, but the background (skybox) is black.
Since it's pretty new, I found nothing on the subject,
Is there a limitation I'm not aware of ?
Thank you guys,
Firefox Logs :
The last line says : - Unable to read the media. No codec found for the required formats : video/x-ms-wmv
The workaround is to call your videos from an URL inside the StreamingAssets Folder instead of doing it locally.
So :
VideoPlayer vp;
vp.clip = clips [idVid]; //Local array of vids
Becomes :
VideoPlayer vp;
string url = Application.streamingAssetsPath+"/"+idVideo+".mp4;
vp.url = url;