I am writing a month calendar-style control, and need to display a string that indicates today's date. So on an English-culture machine it would show 'Today : 11/02/2009'
If a different culture happens to be used, such as French, then I would like to use the French word for 'Today'.
Does the .NET platform expose this word as part of the culture information so I can retrieve it automatically? I cannot find anything exposed but maybe I am not looking in the right place.
Old.. but still useful (how old? VB6 old).
Basically Windows keeps a localized version of "Today" in Comctl32.dll. You can fish it out with a a loadstringex call:
Private Const IDM_TODAY As Long = 4163
Private Const IDM_GOTODAY As Long = 4164
Public Function GetTodayLocalized(ByVal LocaleId As Long) As String
Static hComCtl32 As Long
Static hComCtl32Initialized As Boolean
Static hComCtl32MustBeFreed As Boolean
Dim s As String
If Not hComCtl32Initialized Then
hComCtl32 = GetModuleHandle("Comctl32.dll")
If hComCtl32 <> 0 Then
hComCtl32MustBeFreed = False
hComCtl32Initialized = True
hComCtl32 = LoadLibrary("Comctl32.Dll")
If Not hComCtl32 = 0 Then
hComCtl32MustBeFreed = True
hComCtl32Initialized = True
End If
End If
End If
If hComCtl32Initialized = False Then
s = "Today"
s = LoadStringEx(hComCtl32, IDM_TODAY, LocaleId)
If s = "" Then
s = "Today"
End If
End If
If hComCtl32MustBeFreed Then
FreeLibrary hComCtl32
hComCtl32MustBeFreed = False
hComCtl32Initialized = False
hComCtl32 = 0
End If
s = Replace(s, "&", "")
If Right(s, 1) = ":" Then
s = Left(s, Len(s) - 1)
End If
GetTodayLocalized = s
End Function