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Can I pass parameters to a content slot from the calling ISML?

I'd like to be able to pass some supplementary information to a Content Slot, either through a request scope variable or some other means.

I've tried this in my calling ISML:

<isset name="message" scope="request" value="I want to be an Air Force Ranger" />
<isslot id="slot-message" context="global" description="banner"/>

And in the rendering template for the slot I have:

<iscontent type="text/html" charset="UTF-8" compact="true"/>
<iscache type="relative" hour="24"/>

However, in the output HTML, I just get:


Is there some way I can pass an Object or String to a Content Slot?


  • Content asset don't have access to the data created or passed to ISML. However, a workaround can be done by adding the data to the DOM and then reading it inside the content asset:

    <div class="banner-data" data-message="${message}">
        <isslot id="slot-message" context="global" description="banner"/>

    Then, in your content asset, you can read the message and use it:

        var bannerData = $('.banner-data').data();
        var message = bannerData["message"];