I am trying this ,
<div ng-form="sadadPaymentForm" class="sadadPaymentForm" ng-if="vm.isSadadEnabled" name="sadadPaymentForm" validate-popup-form>
<div ng-if="vm.isSadadEnabled">
<div class="credit-debit-card-div" ng-include="'sadadTemplate'" ng-show="vm.view_tab == 'tab7'">
<span ng-show="vm.view_tab=='tab7' && vm.isSadadEnabled">
<button type="button" class="primary inline pay-now" id="paynowbtn" ng-disabled="!vm.checked3 || vm.sadadPaymentForm.$invalid" ng-click="vm.payByVoucher();" analytics-on="click" analytics-event="uaevent" analytics-eventcategory="Payment" analytics-eventaction="PayNow"
analytics-eventlabel="Pay now">
Pay by sadad
And , my template in another html file
<script type="text/ng-template" id="sadadTemplate">
<input fieldlabel="Online Payment ID" type="text" name="onlinePaymentId" ng-model="vm.sadadpayment.onlinePaymentId" class="form-control input-type-text"
ng-model-options="{ debounce: 100 }" validationKey-required="PaymentAdress1IsRequired" required maxlength="200">
Here the vm.sadadPaymentForm.$invalid
does not work but Indidual components validation works on blur on blur of input .
BUT , if I add vm to ng-form ,ie like this
<div ng-form="vm.sadadPaymentForm" class="sadadPaymentForm" ng-if="vm.isSadadEnabled" name="vm.sadadPaymentForm" validate-popup-form>
<div ng-if="vm.isSadadEnabled">
<div class="credit-debit-card-div" ng-include="'sadadTemplate'" ng-show="vm.view_tab == 'tab7'">
Here the vm.sadadPaymentForm.$invalid
works but Indidual components validation fails on blur of input for eg, TypeError: Cannot read property 'onlinePaymentId' of undefined
Help me understand how can I make both individual validation and the final form validation work together.Angular Ver 1.5,cannot upgrade this now.Need a solution with 1.5.
Ok found out the issue , its basically a scope issue.
was preventing the DOM from rendering thus killing the scope variable vm itself