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Text to columns - Uniform response with different numbers of Spaces

I have a spreadsheet where column A is a list of names. Some of these names have titles (e.g., Mr John Doe, Miss Jane Doe, Mrs Jane Bloggs, Cllr Joe Bloggs etc) some of the names do not (just Joe Doe, John Bloggs, Jane Doe etc). I've been asked to split the names into three columns - Title, First Name, Last Name.

When I try the simple "text to columns", it's fine where there is a title, but where there isn't one, the first name defaults to the title column.

Is there a way to have the data split into the correct cells, or is it going to be a lot of manual work for someone?


  • You can use VBA to accomplish this.

    You will create two different arrays. The first one is your raw data (your single column) preArr(), and your new array that will be written back to the worksheet postArr() that has been dimensioned for three columns ReDim postArr(..., 1 To 3).

    First, test if the string from preArr(i, 1) contains known salutations. If it does, then you will add the first split string to postArr(, 1) - otherwise you won't add anything to this column.

    Side Note: You can add additional salutations to this line:

    .Pattern = "^(?:MRS?|MS|MIS+|CLLR|DR)\.?\s"

    This is a regular expression, but just add another | separator for additional checks. I combined MR and MRS into one group, the ? makes the S optional in case you were wondering.

    Here is the full program:

    Option Explicit
    Sub splitOnNames()
        Dim preArr(), postArr(), ws As Worksheet, preRng As Range
        Set ws = Selection.Parent
        Set preRng = Selection
        preArr = preRng.Value
        If UBound(preArr, 2) > 1 Then
            MsgBox "This can only be done on a single column!", vbCritical
            Exit Sub
        End If
        ReDim postArr(LBound(preArr) To UBound(preArr), 1 To 3)
        Dim i As Long, x As Long, tmpArr
        For i = LBound(preArr) To UBound(preArr)
            If preArr(i, 1) <> "" Then
                tmpArr = Split(preArr(i, 1))
                If testSalutation(preArr(i, 1)) Then
                    postArr(i, 1) = tmpArr(0)
                    postArr(i, 2) = tmpArr(1)
                    For x = 2 To UBound(tmpArr) 'Some last names have two names
                        postArr(i, 3) = Trim(postArr(i, 3) & " " & tmpArr(x))
                    Next x
                    postArr(i, 2) = tmpArr(0)
                    For x = 1 To UBound(tmpArr) 'Some last names have two names
                        postArr(i, 3) = Trim(postArr(i, 3) & " " & tmpArr(x))
                    Next x
                End If
                Erase tmpArr
            End If
        Next i
        With preRng
            Dim postRng As Range
            Set postRng = ws.Range(ws.Cells(.Row, .Column), _
                    ws.Cells(.Rows.Count + .Row - 1, .Column + 2))
            postRng.Value = postArr
        End With
    End Sub
    Private Function testSalutation(ByVal testStr As String) As Boolean
        With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
            .IgnoreCase = True
            .Pattern = "^(?:MRS?|MS|MIS+|CLLR|DR)\.?\s"
            testSalutation = .Test(testStr)
        End With
    End Function

    See it Live:

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