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sqlite fetching data using foreign key: Cannot bind argument at index 1 because the index is out of range. The statement has 0 parameters

I am trying to fetch a record from the sqlite database in Android, and having trouble. It often throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException and gives me the same message.

 mListSongs = mSongDao.getSelectedSongs(artist_id);

public List<Song> getSelectedSongs(Long artistId) {
    List<Song> listSongs = new ArrayList<Song>();
    String selectQuery = "SELECT " + DBHelper.SONG_PATH + " FROM " + DBHelper.TABLE_SONG + " s, "
            + DBHelper.TABLE_ARTIST + " a WHERE s."
            + DBHelper.SONG_ID + " = a.'" + DBHelper.ARTIST_ID + "'";               
    String[] selectionArgs = new String[]{String.valueOf(artistId)};
    Cursor cursor;

    cursor = mDatabase.rawQuery(selectQuery, selectionArgs);


    while (!cursor.isAfterLast()) {
        Song song = cursorToSelectSong(cursor);
    return listSongs;
private Song cursorToSelectSong(Cursor cursor) {Song song = new Song(); song.setmSong_path(cursor.getString(3)); return song;}


  • The issue is that you are supplying an argument, as per String[] selectionArgs = new String[]{String.valueOf(artistId)}; and then cursor = mDatabase.rawQuery(selectQuery, selectionArgs); but that the statement (the SELECT statement) has no place-holder (an ?) within it.

    So you have 1 argument but the statement has 0 parameters to substitute the argument for.

    Changing :-

    String selectQuery = "SELECT " + DBHelper.SONG_PATH + " FROM " + DBHelper.TABLE_SONG + " s, "
            + DBHelper.TABLE_ARTIST + " a WHERE s."
            + DBHelper.SONG_ID + " = a.'" + DBHelper.ARTIST_ID + "'";

    to :-

    String selectQuery = "SELECT " + DBHelper.SONG_PATH + " FROM " + DBHelper.TABLE_SONG + " s, "
            + DBHelper.TABLE_ARTIST + " a WHERE s."
            + DBHelper.SONG_ID + "=?";

    Introduces the parameter and it, the ?, will be substituted for the artist_id passed to the method.

    Alternately using :-

    String selectQuery = "SELECT " + DBHelper.SONG_PATH + " FROM " + DBHelper.TABLE_SONG + " s, "
        + DBHelper.TABLE_ARTIST + " a WHERE s."
        + DBHelper.SONG_ID + " =" + String.valueOf(artist_id);

    along with :-

    cursor = mDatabase.rawQuery(selectQuery, null);

    would also work BUT is open to SQL injection (but not really as it's a long that has been passed, which cannot be a String that could contain dangerous SQL).

    • i.e. no arguments are passed into rawQuery and therefore there is no expectation that the statement should contain a parameter place-holder (?).

    However, there is no need to JOIN the ARTIST table as the SONG table has the ARTIST_ID column.

    • You'd only need the JOIN if you wanted other details about the ARTIST e.g. artist name (which you probably already know as you've ascertained the ARTIST_ID when invoking the method).

    As such the simplified :-

    String selectQuery = "SELECT " + DBHelper.SONG_PATH + " FROM " + DBHelper.TABLE_SONG + " WHERE " + DBHelper.SONG_ID + "=?";

    would suffice.

    Regarding Cursor issues I'd suggest trying :-

    cursor = mDatabase.rawQuery(selectQuery, selectionArgs);
    DatabaseUtils.dumpCursor(cursor); //<<<<<<<<<< will output the contents of the cursor to the log
    while(cursor.moveToNext()) {
        String songpath = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(DBHelper.SONG_PATH));
        Log.d("EXTRACTEDPATH", "Extracted PATH " + songpath); //<<<<<<<<<< output extracted path to the log
        Song newsong = new Song();
    return listSongs;


    • Dumps the Cursor immediately after it is retrieved
    • Uses simpler loop
    • Uses column name to derive the column offset
    • outputs the data from the column (if it shows path in log, but you still get empty path in list then it's either setmSong_path that is wrong or how you are getting data from the List.)