In my Grails 2.5.4 app I have the following plugins installed
compile ":cache:1.1.8"
runtime ":cache-ehcache:1.0.5"
When I run grails run-app
, I get the following error at startup
at grails.plugin.cache.ehcache.GrailsEhCacheManagerFactoryBean$ReloadableCacheManager.rebuild(
at grails.plugin.cache.ehcache.EhcacheConfigLoader.reload(EhcacheConfigLoader.groovy:63)
at grails.plugin.cache.ConfigLoader.reload(ConfigLoader.groovy:42)
at CacheGrailsPlugin.reloadCaches(CacheGrailsPlugin.groovy:202)
at CacheGrailsPlugin$_closure3.doCall(CacheGrailsPlugin.groovy:158)
If I build the WAR and look in the lib
directory, it contains both of the following dependencies:
Based on the advice in this issue, I excluded the transitive ehcache-core
dependency in BuildConfig
runtime (":hibernate:") {
excludes "ehcache-core"
If I rebuild the WAR, the ehcache-core
JAR is excluded, but I still get the same error at startup when I run grails run-app
. I suspect the cause of the issue is the ehcache dependencies, but I can't figure out which JAR I should be using.
Upgrading to hibernate seemed to resolve this issue. When I build the WAR the following ehcache dependencies are included: