I have some data that I need to get after redirecting my URL to yahoo auth for authentication and access token. I tried using Session and tempData, but both get cleared after redirection and callback to another ActionMethod. Tried using HttpCookie too but it doesn't retain the value either. How do I store this value and get it after redirection to callback function? Whatever I tried, I get null value. It gets saved at first but gets erased after redirection.
public async Task<ActionResult> YahooAuth(int Id)
List<DataAccess.event_dates> yahooEvents = _iadminSettingsService.GetEventDatesByEventId(Id);
Session["yahooEventObj"] = yahooEvents;
TempData["yahoEvnts"] = yahooEvents;
System.Web.HttpCookie cookie = new System.Web.HttpCookie("eventID", Id.ToString());
var url = "https://api.login.yahoo.com/oauth2/request_auth?client_id=XXX&redirect_uri=https://b0552ca5.ngrok.io/Event/YahooCalendar&response_type=code&language=en-us";
return Redirect(url);
public async Task<ActionResult> YahooCalendar(string code)
List<DataAccess.event_dates> yahooEvents = (List<DataAccess.event_dates>)Session["yahooEventObj"];
List<DataAccess.event_dates> lst = (List<DataAccess.event_dates>)TempData["yahoEvnts"];
string Id = Request.Cookies["eventID"].ToString();
List<DataAccess.event_dates> yahooEvents = _iadminSettingsService.GetEventDatesByEventId(Convert.ToInt16(Id));
. . .
return Redirect("https://calendar.yahoo.com/");
In my opinion all method by Session, Tempdata and Cookies can work fine.
I check your code and found you are using ngrock for localhost redirection.
please make sure when you start your application if it's hosting with http://localhost:port and after redirection if it's with ngRock domain name then any of method not working
Session, Tempdata and Cookies store by domain name
please check with application starting with ngRock domain and check after redirection you get data or not?
May this help you.