I am using fn:escapeXml
to escape quotes in a javascript function. This works perfectly with double quotes however it doesn't work with single quotes.
Below is the html code:
<button class = "location"
onclick = "locationModelMethod('${fn:escapeXml(listItem.getBaseRate())}','${listItem.getCreateDate()}','${listItem.getId()}','${listItem.getUser().getEmployeeId()}','${listItem.getChecker().getEmployeeId()}','${listItem.getStatus()}', '${listItem.getRemarks()}' ,${listItem.isActive()})" >
The error occurs when ${listItem.getBaseRate()}
contains a single quote.
I am getting an error Uncaught SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list
Can anybody help me out with this
Template literals inside function parameters doesn't work. You will need to simply provide parameters.
For example:
Can be simply used:
Also, don't attach inline handler as suggested by CertainPerformance in the comment.
Example including parameters being passed
// Parameters that get passed into function being fired by onclick
var myParam = 'param';
function myParameterFunction() {
return 'functionParam';
function myParameterFunctionWithParams(foo) {
return foo + 1;
<button onclick="myFunction(myParam, myParameterFunction(), myParameterFunctionWithParams(2))">
Click me!
function myFunction(a, b, c) {
console.log('fired', a, b, c)