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Implementing CodeMirror into Widget backend form not updating texarea

I'm trying to wrap my head around how this actually works in wordpress on the admin back end for a widget I'm trying to create (similar to the custom HTML widget). I've read a few tutorials but the information seems to change and I feel I have just confused myself.

Everything works fine while initializing codemirror and it is applied to the textarea but the errors I'm having are:

  1. When new html is entered into codemirror the save button for the widget doesn't activate.
  2. If I change another field to activate the save button the data from codemirror is not sent or saved.

    (function ($) {
        $(document).ready( function(){
            var editorSettings = wp.codeEditor.defaultSettings ? _.clone( wp.codeEditor.defaultSettings ) : {};
            editorSettings.codemirror = _.extend(
                    lineNumbers: true,
                    mode: "text/html",
                    indentUnit: 2,
                    tabSize: 2,
            var editor = wp.codeEditor.initialize( $('#<?php echo $textarea_id; ?>'), editorSettings );  

    I've also tried adding:

     $(document).on('keyup', '.CodeMirror-code', function(){
          $('#<?php echo $textarea_id; ?>').html(editor.codemirror.getValue());

but editor.codemirror.getValue() return empty when I display through console.log

Code for Textarea

       <label for="<?php echo $textarea_id; ?>"><?php _e( 'Locked Content:' ); ?></label>
       <textarea id="<?php echo $textarea_id; ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( 'locked-content' ); ?>" class="widefat"><?php echo esc_textarea( $instance['locked-content'] ); ?></textarea>

Any help (links to a proper tutorial, advice etc) would be much appreciated JS isn't my strongest language.


  • I believe this came down to me being an idiot lol I was calling this same block of code from another widget as I was trying to make both widgets textareas into codemirrors.

    I changed the name of 2 variables to be more specific towards the widget eg:

    var editorSettings    
    var editor

    where changed to:

    var cm_editorSettings    
    var cm_editor

    This allowed me to us cm.editor.codemirror.getValue() and return the actual value. Still not sure if this is the correct way to implement it so please correct me if I am wrong but currently the working code to update the textarea and enable save button is as follows

    <script type="text/javascript">
    (function ($) {
        $(document).ready( function(){
              var cm_editorSettings = wp.codeEditor.defaultSettings ? _.clone( wp.codeEditor.defaultSettings ) : {};
                cm_editorSettings.codemirror = _.extend(
                        lineNumbers: true,
                        mode: "text/html",
                        indentUnit: 2,
                        tabSize: 2,
            var cm_editor = wp.codeEditor.initialize($('#<?php echo $textarea_id; ?>') , cm_editorSettings );
            $(document).on('keyup', '.CodeMirror-code', function(){
                $('#<?php echo $textarea_id; ?>').html(cm_editor.codemirror.getValue());
                $('#<?php echo $textarea_id; ?>').trigger('change');