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In C++, how to make a variant that can contain a vector of of same variant?

I a trying to make a std::variant that can contain a vector of the same variant:

class ScriptParameter;
using ScriptParameter = std::variant<bool, int, double, std::string, std::vector<ScriptParameter> >;

I am getting ScriptParameter redefinition. It think it is possibly because a template parameter cannot be forward declared?

Is there a way to achieve a variant that could also contain an array of same typed variants?


  • Since the forward declaration says ScriptParameter is a class, you can't use using alias. However, nothing is inherently wrong here, since vector is only a pointer, there is no real circular dependency.

    You can use inheritance:

    class ScriptParameter;
    class ScriptParameter
        : public std::variant<bool, int, double, std::string, std::vector<ScriptParameter> >
        using base = std::variant<bool, int, double, std::string, std::vector<ScriptParameter> >;
        using base::base;
        using base::operator=;
    int main() {    
        ScriptParameter sp{"hello"};
        sp = 1.0;
        std::vector<ScriptParameter> vec;
        sp = vec;    
        std::cout << sp.index() << "\n";  