I am using cordova and one third party plugin which has a block of setting missing from AndroidManifest.xml file. I have checked custom-config from npm but still can't figure out how to enter the following code from config.xml into the xml file.
<receiver android:exported="true" android:name="com.appsflyer.MultipleInstallBroadcastReceiver">
<action android:name="com.android.vending.INSTALL_REFERRER" />
The thing is that this should be read from config.xml and added on each platform wipe.
You need to add a <config-file>
block to your config.xml
<platform name="android">
<config-file target="AndroidManifest.xml" parent="/manifest/application">
<receiver android:exported="true" android:name="com.appsflyer.MultipleInstallBroadcastReceiver"/>
<action android:name="com.android.vending.INSTALL_REFERRER" />
Since cordova@8
, <config-file>
blocks are supported in config.xml
(in addition to a plugin's plugin.xml