Is it possible to somehow compose a string dynamically? I've read a bit about pass-by-value and pass-by-reference, and thus I'm creating all the strings as objects.
var foo = {str: 'foo'};
var bar = {str: foo.str + 'bar'};
var baz = {str: bar.str + 'baz'};
foo.str = 'fuu';
console.log(baz.str); //expected 'fuubarbaz', got 'foobarbaz
Thanks in advance!
Nah, when you define things statically like that, they're going to use the variable when it was called. You could do something like this with getters though:
let foo = {str: 'foo'};
let bar = {get str() { return foo.str + 'bar'; }};
let baz = {get str() { return bar.str + 'baz'; }};
foo.str = 'fuu';
console.log(baz.str); // properly outputs `fuubarbaz`
The reason why this works is the magic of getters; instead of defining the property statically, you're defining a function that gets called when trying to access the property. This way it can "react" to any downstream changes, because it's always dynamically generated.