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Is there an Implode type function in SQL Server 2000?

Is there an Implode type function for SQL Server?

What I have is a list (in a SQL server table):


and I want them to come out as

 Apple, Orange, Pear, Blueberry

I hope for the space and comma to be configurable but I can always replace it if it isn't.


  • There are some questions related to this already on Stack Overflow (search for PIVOT or UNPIVOT or GROUP_CONCAT), but a simple solution for SQL Server (using a trick with variable concatenation) for your stated problem:

    DECLARE @str AS varchar(MAX)
    DECLARE @separator AS varchar(50)
    SET @separator = ', ' -- Here's your configurable version
    SELECT @str = COALESCE(@str + @separator, '') + <column_name>
    FROM <table_name>
    ORDER BY <sort_order>

    Of course, if this is needed on a per-row basis, you can use UDFs or the really cool FOR XML trick