Search code examples

Filters with dynamic fields in elasticsearch

I am switching a very old version of ElasticSearch to version 6.5.

  "text_mined_entities": {
            "nlp": {
                "abbreviations": [],
                "chunks": [],
                "recurring_chunks": [],
                "tagged_entities_grouped": {
                    "NEURO|SCICRUNCH": [
                            "category": "NEURO",
                            "end": 41,
                            "label": "Infant",
                            "match": "infant",
                            "original_value": "Infant",
                            "reference": "BIRNLEX695",
                            "reference_db": "SCICRUNCH",
                            "sentence": 0,
                            "start": 35

I am wanting to filter on the text_mined_entities.nlp.tagged_entities_grouped.*.reference fields ( which are stored as 'keyword' ), but haven't had much luck. Something like:

GET _search
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "filter": { "term": {
        "text_mined_entities.nlp.tagged_entities_grouped.*.reference": "BIRNLEX695"



Any suggestions? Thanks.


  • Wildcard on fields can't be applied on term query. Instead you can use query_string which supports wildcard on field as well. So following will work:

    Assuming text_mined_entities and nlp are of type nested

      "query": {
        "nested": {
          "path": "text_mined_entities.nlp",
          "query": {
            "query_string": {
              "query": "BIRNLEX695",
              "fields": [

    Update (if text_mined_entities & nlp are object type and not nested):

      "query": {
        "query_string": {
          "query": "BIRNLEX695",
          "fields": [