With functions we can abstract from any type. Here is the Option
type as an example:
const Some = x => y =>
k => k(x);
const None = y =>
k => y;
const sqr = n => n * n;
const run = f => t => t(f);
const x = Some(5) (0),
y = None(0);
run(sqr) (x); // 25
run(sqr) (y); // 0
Now I want to encode a deferred type to obtain a lazy effect in Javascript. But I don't know the right approach and if such an endeavor even makes sense with Church Encoding. Here is my first shot:
const Deferred = thunk =>
k => k(thunk());
const inc = n => n + 1;
const sqr = n => n * n;
const run = f => t => t(f);
const x = Deferred(() => inc(4));
run(sqr) (x); // 25
I am totally in the dark here. Does this approach lead to anything meaningful?
Church encoding (and more precisely, Scott encoding) provide a way to encode branching in a data type with different cases (e.g. instance constructors). Your Deferred
type however is a (newtype) wrapper over a function that takes a continuation, there are no multiple cases to be encoded. I don't think you can apply the concept here.