I'm new to js programming.
At the moment, I'm trying to pass the values of a sweetaler pop up to my php query. But it doesnt work.(If i Push the confirm button, the form is going to be closed and nothing happens). This is my js code.
function ChangePassword(){
title: 'Kennwort ändern',
'<input id="swal-input1" placeholder ="altes Kennwort" class="swal2-input">' +
'<input id="swal-input2" placeholder ="neues Kennwort" class="swal2-input">' +
'<input id="swal-input3" placeholder ="Kennwort wiederholen" class="swal2-input">',
focusConfirm: false
}) .then(function(isConfirm) {
type: 'POST',
url: 'ChangePassword.php',
data: {
'pw_old': document.getElementById('swal-input1').value,
'pw_new': document.getElementById('swal-input1').value,
'pw_newconf': document.getElementById('swal-input1').value
success: function(result) {
title: result,
type: "success"}
Can anybody tell me where my mistake is?
Your input id's are wrong.
Here is the correct code:
function ChangePassword(){
title: 'Kennwort ändern',
'<input id="swal-input1" placeholder ="altes Kennwort" class="swal2-input">' +
'<input id="swal-input2" placeholder ="neues Kennwort" class="swal2-input">' +
'<input id="swal-input3" placeholder ="Kennwort wiederholen" class="swal2-input">',
focusConfirm: false
}) .then(function(isConfirm) {
type: 'POST',
url: 'ChangePassword.php',
data: {
pw_old: document.getElementById('swal-input1').value,
pw_new: document.getElementById('swal-input2').value,
pw_newconf: document.getElementById('swal-input3').value
success: function(result) {
title: result,
type: "success"}
I hope that solves your problem