I have followed this particular tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ir9Rvi1QG8Y to add a particle system effect on a UI panel. It works well in scene mode and game mode but when built for android no particles are shown. I have tried tweaking the particle shader, material etc.. but to no avail. What do you recommend please? Thanks.
Unity version: 2018.2.11f1 Screenshot1 Screenshot2
After recreating the project myself I've found out that its because of a sloppy code in UIParticleRenderer class.
Shader foundShader = Shader.Find("UI/Particles/Additive");
in line 79
when you try the game in Editor "Find" method works correctly, but when you want to publish it to a device (android) it won't include "UI/Particle/Additive" shader so the shader won't be found.
there are 3 solutions to this problem as described for Shader.Find class in Unity documentation :
I used the 2nd solution (which is easier to do) and it solved the problem. so you can go to Edit->Project Settings->Graphics and under "Always Included Shaders" section Add "UI Particles Add", then build and run your project.