In Elm I have a simple image, and I want it to be replaced by some 'missing' image onerror. So I added an "onerror" attribute:
[ src "broken-link.png"
, attribute "onerror" "this.onerror=null;this.src='missing.png';"
] []
However, when I look at the generated html, the img doesn't get an onerror
attribute, but rather gets an data-onerror
, and ofcourse this doesn't work.
Why is this? And how do I fix it?
Here is a little example I made with my friend Bulbasaur to illustrate the problem:
This seems to be a built-in undocumented safety feature of Elm.
Checking source code of Elm, Html.attribute
is defined as (source)
attribute : String -> String -> Attribute msg
attribute =
and VirtualDom.attribute
is defined as (source):
attribute : String -> String -> Attribute msg
attribute key value =
(Elm.Kernel.VirtualDom.noOnOrFormAction key)
(Elm.Kernel.VirtualDom.noJavaScriptOrHtmlUri value)
Your attribute name onclick
is passed to Elm.Kernel.VirtualDom.noOnOrFormAction
which is defined in JavaScript as (source):
function _VirtualDom_noOnOrFormAction(key)
return /^(on|formAction$)/i.test(key) ? 'data-' + key : key;
So if attribute name starts with on
, or is string formAction
, then it is renamed to be a data-attribute.
One way I know how to fix this is to write the code in Elm without JavaScript. Here's full working example with main parts copied below: (This is based on accepted answer here about detecting image load failure.)
1) Keep current URL in model
type alias Model =
{ src : String
init : Model
init =
{ src = "" }
2) Change event handler to send Elm message on image load error
[ src model.src
, on "error" (Json.Decode.succeed ImageError)
, alt "Should be Bulbasaur"
] []
3) Change URL in update
on error
update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
case msg of
ImageError ->
{ model
| src = ""