So i'm trying to find and grab a string from inside my httpwebresponse, I've already created a stream and can successfully read from the output to identify text inside the response, but now I'm trying to extract text from the response, for example:
Output contains,
var Site = 'home';
var Home = {
page: 24,
name: 'Pokemon',
Title: Pokemon chars
What I'm trying to do is extract only
however this can change on various pages, so I can't just assume
contains Pokemon
So what I need to do is trim name but keep the innertext, so what I've tried is something along the lines of
string str5 = "name: '";
foreach (string str6 in str3.Split(new char[] {'\n'})) // str3 is = to the response given from the request which is now obviously a string its self.
if (str6.StartsWith(str5))
str4 = str6.Replace(str5, "").Replace("',", "");
Which should find the line containing " name: " then replace " name:" with nothing and the same for the end of that line leaving only the string
but it doesn't seem to be working?
One options is to use Regular Expression, if you cannot deserialize your JSON.
string output = @"<script>
var Site = 'home';
var Home = {
page: 24,
name: 'Pokemon',
Title: Pokemon chars
string regexPattern = @"name:\s'(.+?)',";
Regex reg = new Regex(regexPattern);
var match = reg.Match(output);
if (match.Success)
Your are capturing everything between name: '
and ',
using regular expression pattern.