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Binding and using an object's fields within an object returned by the server API with a PrimeNG data table

Good day

Currently I am returning an array of objects looking like:

attendeeCount: 5
bookDay: "2018-11-22T14:06:24.120Z"
bookingComment: "This is a test"
conferenceRoom: {id: 8, name: "Main Boardroom", seatingCount: 10, location: "Site Office", projector: "YES"}
employee: {id: 111, title: "Mr.", initials: "J", preferredName: "John", lastName: "Smith", …}
id: 1
refreshment: {id: 1, name: "Coffee, Tea and Water"}
timeSlot: "07:00 - 07:30"

The requirement then is that I should be able to render the PrimeNG data table using TypeScript like the below:

public getRoomRosterTable() {
    this.conferenceRoomBookingService.getRoomRoster(this.dateValue, => {
        this.conferenceRoomBookings = response;
    }, error1 => {

    this.timeSlotCols = [
        {field: 'timeSlot', header: 'Time Slot'},
        {field: 'employee.preferredName' + 'employee.lastName', header: 'Slot Booked By'},
        {field: 'attendeeCount', header: 'Attendee Count'},
        {field: '', header: 'Refreshment Details'},
        {field: 'bookingComment', header: 'Booking Comment'}

Combined with html looking like:

<p-table [value]="conferenceRoomBookings" [reorderableColumns]="true" [columns]="timeSlotCols">
                <ng-template pTemplate="header" let-columns>
                        <th *ngFor="let col of columns">
                            <div style="text-align:center">
                <ng-template pTemplate="body" let-rowData let-columns="columns">
                        <td *ngFor="let col of columns">

This however only renders the columns that have direct data bound. I cannot seem to get the table to pick up properties of nested objects.

Is the above possible currently with PrimeNG, or do I need to create a custom DTO on the server returning only 'direct' fields for the PrimeNG table?


  • Could not get this to work with the PrimeNG table and resorted to using *ngFor combined with *ngIf wrapped in divs to detect nulls:

    <table class="table-bordered">
                            <div style="align-content: center">
                                Time Slot
                            <div style="align-content: center">
                                Booked By
                            <div style="align-content: center">
                                Attendee Count
                            <div style="align-content: center">
                                Refreshment Requirement
                            <div style="align-content: center">
                                Booking Details
                    <tr *ngFor="let conferenceRoomBooking of conferenceRoomBookings">
                            <div *ngIf="conferenceRoomBooking.timeSlot">
                            <div *ngIf="conferenceRoomBooking.employee">
                                {{conferenceRoomBooking.employee.preferredName}} {{conferenceRoomBooking.employee.lastName}}
                            <div *ngIf="conferenceRoomBooking.attendeeCount">
                            <div *ngIf="conferenceRoomBooking.refreshment">
                            <div *ngIf="conferenceRoomBooking.bookingComment">