I tryed to fix a problem with encodings. So, I sent from 'Postman', from web browser request to server, where I search data in database by keys in request. Request can be like this:
(in browser). Server receive string, like
then, takes params from url: genreName: 'Документальное' start: 0 count: 10. Then, this data sends to dao:
override fun findGenreByName(genreName: String): DatabaseGenre {
return transaction(db) { getGenreByName(genreName) }
private fun getGenreByName(genreName: String): DatabaseGenre {
return try {
val foundGenre = GenreEntity.find { Genres.genre eq genreName }.single()
DatabaseGenre(foundGenre.id.value, foundGenre.genre, foundGenre.link)
} catch (e: Exception) {
throw NothingFoundInDatabaseException("no one genre found by '$genreName'")
} catch (e: NoSuchElementException) {
val m = "Duplicates of genre with name '$genreName'"
throw DuplicatedDataInDatabaseException(m)
In log I see, that sql-query for finding genres is correct, but I receive an exception:
java.util.NoSuchElementException: Collection is empty.
The sql-query, as I said, is correct:
SELECT genres.id, genres.genre, genres.link FROM genres WHERE genres.genre = 'Документальное'
Structure of genres table:
id: int(10)
genre: varchar(100)
link: varchar(100
I tryied, to select all genres, and this query executed almost correctly. So, I decided, to check this query with english word, and this query correctly executed:
SELECT genres.id, genres.genre, genres.link FROM genres WHERE genres.genre = 'simpleGenre'
I have not exceptions with this query.
So, what I've done wrong and how to fix problem with collations?
UPD: As I said at github (issue), I've tryied this query it mysql cli and I receive correct answer.
Also, I've tryed to decode url params (with java URLDecoder class). It doesn't helps too.
Thanks, @madhead. I tryied an advance of @madhead, and it works. So, from this time my DB connection URL looks like this:
val connect = Database.connect(
url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/my_database_name?characterEncoding=utf8&useUnicode=true",
driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver",
user = user_name,
password = password