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What differences are between javascript in Firefox 4 and IE9

IE9 supports ecma-262 edition 5 ( and Firefox 4 is javascript 1.8.5 (

How compliant is IE9 with ECMA-262 edition 5 and is that the same as ECMAScript5?

I expect there are more differences than similarities between the two javascript engines, but I am curious how close IE9 has moves toward Firefox, in terms of new javascript functionality.


  • IE 9 pretty much supports ECMAScript 5, except for the Strict Mode.

    ECMAScript 5 support in browsers compared by @kangax (note that the table shows only existence, not functionality)

    Definitely there'll differences between the JavaScript Engines - Chakra, SpiderMonkey, V8 and others, as the implementations will vary and their support for non-standard features