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template multiple variadic inheritance with variadic argument types

I need to inherit multiple times the following class, taking variadic arguments as template parameters.

template <class SignalDispatcherClass, class ... ArgTypes>
class ISignalMap

    void RegisterSlot(SignalAddress pSignalFunc, ISlotInvoker<ArgTypes...>* pSlotInvoker)

So far I can expand a parameter pack and get multiple class specializations, but with functions taking only one argument.

template <class SignalDispatcherClass, class ... ArgTypes>
class ISignalStorage : public ISignalMap<SignalDispatcherClass, ArgTypes>...

ISignalStorage<SignalA, int, double, bool> iss; 

For now this allows me to register slot functions with a single argument (int, double or bool - accordingly). What I need is something that would look like:

ISignalStorage<SignalA, <int, double, bool>, <int, int>, <const char*>> iss;

So far I've been looking into other questions and one appears to be somewhat close to the topic, though I failed to implement or understand it. Wish there were a simplier way (Variadic variadic template templates)

added: code example

struct IDummySlot
    void FuncDbl(double)
    void FuncInt(int)
    void FuncIntDbl(int, double)

template <class ... Args>
struct ISlotInvoker

template <class SignalDispatcherClass, class ... ArgTypes>
class ISignalMap

    void RegisterSlot(void(IDummySlot::*pSignalFunc)(ArgTypes...), ISlotInvoker<ArgTypes...>* pSlotInvoker)

template <class SignalDispatcherClass, class ... ArgTypes>
class ISignalStorage : public ISignalMap<SignalDispatcherClass, ArgTypes>...

int main()
    ISignalStorage<IDummySlot, int, double> iss;

    ISlotInvoker<int> slot_int;
    ISlotInvoker<double> slot_double;
    ISlotInvoker<int, double> slot_intDouble;

    //iss.RegisterSlot(&IDummySlot::FuncInt, &slot_int); //ambigous
    /*Appears to be that I didn't test it, I just saw that inheritance worked as I expected, but didn't try to invoke*/

    return 0;

enter image description here


  • The fundamental problem here is that there is no syntax for "squeezing" multiple variadic parameter packs out of a single parameter pack.

    The usual approach in these kinds of situations is to use a std::tuple to wrap each individual parameter pack, and make a parameter pack out of those tuples:

        ISignalStorage<foo, std::tuple<int, double>, std::tuple<double, int>> a;

    Then, it becomes a simple matter of unwrapping each parameter pack from the std::tuple using a specialization:

    #include <tuple>
    template <class SignalDispatcherClass, class ... ArgTypes>
    class ISignalMap
    // Take a class, and a tuple. Give me an ISignalMap for the class, and
    // what's in the tuple.
    template<typename cl, typename tuple_t> struct tuple_expansion;
    template<typename cl, typename ...tuple_types>
    struct tuple_expansion<cl, std::tuple<tuple_types...>> {
        typedef ISignalMap<cl, tuple_types...> type;
    // Syntactic sugar.    
    template<typename cl, typename tuple_t>
    using tuple_expansion_t=typename tuple_expansion<cl, tuple_t>::type;
    // And a variadic parameter pack of tuples...
    template <class SignalDispatcherClass, class ... ArgTypes>
    class ISignalStorage : public tuple_expansion_t<SignalDispatcherClass,
    class foo;
    void bar()
        // Note the syntax: pass each "inner" parameter pack wrapped into a
        // tuple.
        ISignalStorage<foo, std::tuple<int, double>, std::tuple<double, int>> a;
        ISignalMap<foo, int, double> &b=a;
        ISignalMap<foo, double, int> &c=a;