I try to put a square on the center of the geographical entity. I added orange circles to mark the position of the centroids.
With a scale extent = 1 (no zoom), the square's position is correct.
However, with a scale extent > 1 (with zoom), there is a translation of the square's position.
I assume the problem occurs when I define the square's position.
let ctrSquare = g.attr("class","ctr_square")
.attr("x", (d)=>{return path.centroid(d)[0] - 7/2;})
.attr("y", (d)=>{return path.centroid(d)[1] - 7/2;})
Here is my code : https://plnkr.co/edit/K0k9ACxFWgzsqzHmQHmM
The problem is that you want to keep rectangle size independent of current scale. So, during .on("zoom", ...)
you modify the rects width
and height
Taking that into account, the correct code for their x
and y
position is following:
.attr("x",d => path.centroid(d)[0] - 7/d3.event.transform.k/2)
.attr("y",d => path.centroid(d)[1] - 7/d3.event.transform.k/2)
So just add these lines into .on("zoom", ...)