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Is it wise to use jQuery for whitelisting tags? Are there existing solutions in JavaScript?

My problem

I want to clean HTML pasted in a rich text editor (FCK 1.6 at the moment). The cleaning should be based on a whitelist of tags (and perhaps another with attributes). This is not primarily in order to prevent XSS, but to remove ugly HTML.

Currently I see no way to do it on the server, so I guess it must be done in JavaScript.

Current ideas

I found the jquery-clean plugin, but as far as I can see, it is using regexes to do the work, and we know that is not safe.

As I've not found any other JS-based solution I've started to impement one myself using jQuery. It would work by creating a jQuery version of the pasted html ($(pastedHtml)) and then traverse the resulting tree, removing each element not matching the whitelist by looking at the attribute tagName.

My questions

  • Is this any better?
  • Can I trust jQuery to represent the pasted content well (there may be unmatched ending tags and what-have-you)?
  • Is there a better solution already that I couldn't find?


This is my current, jQuery-based, solution (verbose and not extensively tested):

function clean(element, whitelist, replacerTagName) {
    // Use div if no replace tag was specified
    replacerTagName = replacerTagName || "div";

    // Accept anything that jQuery accepts
    var jq = $(element);    

    // Create a a copy of the current element, but without its children
    var clone = jq.clone();

    // Wrap the copy in a dummy parent to be able to search with jQuery selectors
    // 1)
    var wrapper = $('<div/>').append(clone);

    // Check if the element is not on the whitelist by searching with the 'not' selector
    var invalidElement = wrapper.find(':not(' + whitelist + ')');

    // If the element wasn't on the whitelist, replace it.
    if (invalidElement.length > 0) {
       var el = $('<' + replacerTagName + '/>'); 

    // Extract the (maybe replaced) element
    var cleanElement = $(wrapper.children().first());

    // Recursively clean the children of the original element and
    // append them to the cleaned element
    var children = jq.children();
    if (children.length > 0) {
        children.each(function(_index, thechild) {
                          var cleaned = clean(thechild, whitelist, replacerTagName);
    return cleanElement;

I am wondering about some points (see comments in the code);

  1. Do I really need to wrap my element in a dummy parent to be able to match it with jQuery's ":not"?
  2. Is this the recommended way to create a new node?


  • If you leverage the browser's HTML correcting abilities (e.g. you copy the rich text to the innerHTML of an empty div and take the resulting DOM tree), the HTML will be guaranteed to be valid (the way it will be corrected is somewhat browser-dependent). Although this is probably done by rich editor anyways.

    jQuery's own text-top DOM transform is probably also safe, but definitely slower, so I would avoid it.

    Using a whitelist based on the jQuery selector engine might be somewhat tricky because removing an element while preserving its children might make the document invalid, so the browser would correct it by changing the DOM tree, which might confuse a script trying to iterate through invalid elements. (E.g. you allow ul and li but not ol; the script removes the list root element, naked li elements are invalid so the browser wraps them in ul again, that ul will be missed by the cleaning script.) If you throw away unwanted elements together with all their children, I don't see any problems with that.