I am trying to perform a query using golang mgo package to effectively get similar values from a $group aggregation and count the total record value.But I am not able to get total record count for grouped data. My structure is like this:
"data": [
"_id": 366,
"logs": [
"id": 113,
"booking_id": 366,
"provider_id": 13,
"cid": 11,
"type": "basic",
"time": 1542793756,
"id": 116,
"booking_id": 366,
"provider_id": 13,
"cid": 0,
"type": "type2",
"_id": 362,
"logs": [
"id": 104,
"booking_id": 362,
"provider_id": 7,
"cid": 10,
"type": "basic",
"time": 1542776677,
"_id": 370,
"logs": [
"id": 111,
"booking_id": 370,
"provider_id": 9,
"cid": 11,
"type": "basic",
"time": 1542792661,
"id": 112,
"booking_id": 370,
"provider_id": 11,
"cid": 11,
"type": "basic",
"time": 1542793185,
"total_record": 2
For this I want total record preset inside data::
Query I am using ::
query := []bson.M{
{"$group": bson.M{
"_id": "$booking_id",
"logs": bson.M{ "$push": "$$ROOT" }
"count": bson.M{"$sum":1},
pipe := getCollection.Pipe(query)
err = pipe.AllowDiskUse().One(&result)
I want total count of this result. Log section having data with duplicate bookings with the different "provider_id" values but I have grouped all similar booking_id data in single document and show it's count. Is is possible with $group aggregation?
You can use $count aggregation to find total record inside data, link
To calculate total count of grouped data, you can use $count aggregation after grouping data. Your Query should be like this if you want total count data
query := []bson.M{
{"$group": bson.M{
"_id": "$booking_id",
{"$count" : "count"},
pipe := getCollection.Pipe(query)
err = pipe.AllowDiskUse().One(&result)
To calculate records inside each "logs"
you can use query as follows::
query := []bson.M{
{"$group": bson.M{
"_id": "$booking_id",
"logs": bson.M{ "$push": "$$ROOT" },
"count": bson.M{"$sum":1},
pipe := getCollection.Pipe(query)
err = pipe.AllowDiskUse().One(&result)