I have code to check weekend and recolor it.
$scope.today = data.getDate() + '/' + (data.getMonth()+1)+ '/' + data.getFullYear();
if($scope.today.getDay() == 6 || $scope.today.getDay() == 0){
console.log($scope.today+' is Weekend');
//change color here
//something like
HTML code
data is from datepicker. And got error
TypeError: $scope.today.getDay is not a function
First, you should use Date object.
$scope.today = new Date();
if($scope.today.getDay() == 6 || $scope.today.getDay() == 0){
console.log($scope.today+' is Weekend');
Then you use Angularjs filter in your html so you can display the format that you want.
<td>{{ today | date:'dd/MM/yyyy }}</td>
Second, you can use a flag to check if it is today.
$scope.today = new Date();
if($scope.today.getDay() == 6 || $scope.today.getDay() == 0){
console.log($scope.today+' is Weekend');
$scope.isWeekend = true;
else {
$scope.isWeekend = false;
Then you use this flag to control a class for coloring your font using ng-class.
<td ng-class="{'weekend': isWeekend}">{{ today | date:'dd/MM/yyyy }}</td>
To finish it, you create a CSS for "weekend" class to set the font color as you desire.
.weekend {
color: blue;