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I'm getting credential errors on my newly installed GridDB instances. I've changed the password but it doesn't change anything

This seems like an odd error to bring up because generally it's 100% due to user error, but there's just no way at this point. The error is definitely occurring on the GridDB side.

I have installed and set up 3 separate nodes of GridDB on Azure. Setting the password works:

[root@node2 gridstore]# gs_passwd admin
Retype password: 

But when I get in there to join my cluster I get errors:

[root@node2 gridstore]# su gsadm
bash-4.2$ /usr/bin/gs_startnode 
bash-4.2$ /usr/bin/gs_joincluster -c <cluster_name> -u \
> admin/<my_password>
A00102: Authentication error occurred.
Confirm user name and password.

I've tried going back and changing the password to something generic (password) just to make sure it works:

[root@node2 gridstore]# gs_passwd admin
Password: "password"
Retype password: "password"

but I continue to get the same error:

[root@node2 gridstore]# su gsadm
bash-4.2$ /usr/bin/gs_startnode 
AD0102: gsserver process may exist.
PID is 88153
bash-4.2$ /usr/bin/gs_joincluster -c <cluster_name> -u \
> admin/password
A00102: Authentication error occurred.
Confirm user name and password.

Since I know for sure the password is now "password" (I've changed it multiple times at this point), shouldn't it be connecting me by now?


  • Does your original password contain any special characters? GridDB currently doesn’t accept passwords with chars like %, etc.

    As for changing your password and still not working — did you stop the node (gs_stop node) before changing the pass? The changes won’t stick if you do it while the node is running.