I am using Maatwebsite to export data from Laravel to Excel, but it only throws a junk of data in it, I want to custom design how I want to insert the data in.
for example I want to add tittle at lane C 4 I want to do something like
$column->atAtSpecificRow('C', '4', $title);
I don't know if that works or how it can work, so any suggestion?
UPDATE: I use this to export an array of data
$sheet->setCellValue('D5', 'Test');
I want to add data from cell D5 and lower, how can I do that?
What you mean from the cell D5 and lower? You could use a loop to go from D5 and below...
for($x=6; $x<30; $x++)
$sheet->setCellValue('D'.$x, 'Row '. $x);