Is it possible to access Assets
inside the Java code in Play Framework
? How?
We access assets from the scala HTML templates this way:
<img src="@routes.Assets.versioned("images/myimage.png")" width="800" />
But I could not find any documentation nor code example to do it from inside the Java code. I just found a controllers.Assets
class but it is unclear how to use it. If this is the class that has to be used, should it maybe be injected?
I finally found a way to access the public folder even from a production mode application. In order to be accessible/copied in the distributed version, public folder need to be mapped that way in build.sbt:
import NativePackagerHelper._
mappings in Universal ++= directory("public")
The files are then accessible in the public folder in the distributed app in production form the Java code:
private static final String PUBLIC_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_RELATIVE_PATH = "public/images/";
static File getImageAsset(String relativePath) throws ResourceNotFoundException {
final String path = PUBLIC_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_RELATIVE_PATH + relativePath;
final File file = new File(path);
if (!file.exists()) {
throw new ResourceNotFoundException(String.format("Asset %s not found", path));
return file;
This post put me on the right way to find the solution:!topic/play-framework/sVDoEtAzP-U