I'm trying to write a test for a class that uses ProcessBuilder.inheritIO and I can't seem to get it to work. I've stripped the code down to the core and came up with the following example that I think should write all the output of the child process to a ByteArrayOutputStream but doesn't.
Environment: Java 9.0.4 on Windows 7
import java.io.*;
public class ProcessTest {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
PrintStream original = System.out;
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(baos);
Process process = new ProcessBuilder().command("where", "where")
String output = new String(baos.toByteArray());
original.println("output = " + output);
The output is:
output = BEGIN
And when I look in the debugger, the output stream does not contain the path to where.
I'm thinking System.setOut isn't doing what I'm thinking but I'm not sure. I found other SO questions suggest a StreamGrabber but I thought that was for Java 6 and earlier and inheritIO would work for me. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
I've come to realize that calling System.setOut()
isn't really doing what I hope. It is not changing the underlying file descriptor of 1
. If I was doing this in C, I would be working with the low level file descriptors. But that's not what setOut()
is doing. That's just changing pointers.
System.setOut changes the Java process’s standard output. There’s no guarantee it will affect child processes.
Regardless, it’s probably not a good idea to alter a global setting just to capture the output of a single process, especially if you expect your code to run amidst other other code (libraries, appications, etc.).
Solution: Don’t try to hack System.out. Read from the Process’s stdout InputStream:
ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder().command("where", "where").inheritIO();
Process process = builder.start();
String output;
try (InputStream processStdOut = process.getInputStream()) {
output = new String(processStdOut.readAllBytes());