I'm just getting started with web components, and if I understand correctly, the point is for them to be reusable by anyone. Is it possible to create a component that can be used by anyone simply by adding a piece of html to their static site (similar to how JavaScript widgets are added, simply by copy-pasting a few lines of code), or does it need to be installed by someone? Or is this not an intended use case of web components?
Yes. A Web Component is a kind of "Javascript widget".
Typicially, you define a Web Component in a Javascript file.
You can then include it in any HTML with a <script>
Example with a minimal custom element called <hello-world>
In hello-world.js:
customElements.define( 'hello-world', class extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this.attachShadow( {mode: 'open' })
.innerHTML = 'Hello World!'
} )
In your main page index.html:
<!-- import the web component -->
<script src="hello-world.js">
<!-- use the new element -->
Note: alternately, one could also copy-paste the Javascript code that defines the custom element to its main HTML page.