i'm trying to add a lon lat point to a node. i was unable to find any doc regarding which java class should be used.
Here is what i have:
public class Coordination {
private Long id;
private Value point;
private Double lon;
private Double lat;
@Relationship(type = "GEO_LOCATION", direction = Relationship.INCOMING)
private List<GeoLocation> geoLocations;
public Coordination(Double lon, Double lat) {
Value point = new PointValue(new InternalPoint2D(4326, lon, lat));
this.lon = lon;
this.lat = lat;
Value class is not working for me. what do i miss?
Using a CompositeAttributeConverter
it is possible to define your own class to store lat and lon coordinates. However, you can also use the built-in Point
and corresponding Distance
classes defined in Spring Data Commons.
Here's an example from the test cases in Spring Data Neo4j:
public class Restaurant implements Comparable<Restaurant> {
@Id @GeneratedValue private Long id;
private String name;
@Convert(PointConverter.class) private Point location; //Encapsulates lat/lon
private int zip;
private double score;
private String description;
private boolean halal;
You can then define methods such as:
import org.springframework.data.geo.Point;
import org.springframework.data.neo4j.conversion.PointConverter;
public interface RestaurantRepository extends Neo4jRepository<Restaurant, Long> {
List<Restaurant> findByNameAndLocationNear(String name, Distance distance, Point point);
List<Restaurant> findByLocationNearAndName(Distance distance, Point point, String name);
The finder method will generate CYPHER that passes the following arguments to a distance
Is this what you were looking for? If yes great! If not, could you please clarify your question.