I'm running into an interesting ActionController::UrlGenerationError
while testing my custom devise User::RegistrationsController
Here's the error:
No route matches {:action=>"create", :controller=>"user/registrations", :user=>{:name=>"Adriane Koepp", :city=>"Nidiafurt", :address=>"14955 Cormier Viaduct", :country=>"Mozambique", :email=>"moshe@kozey.com", :phone_primary=>"(295) 491-0447 x9108", :phone_secondary=>"536.985.9499 x7264", :postal_code=>"93438-7448", :province=>"South Carolina", :password=>"MaH9R5G8XqB", :pets_attributes=>[{:name=>"Patches", :chip_number=>"149793073311890", :species=>"iusto"}]}}
The error shows up in all my tests for this controller, but for simplicity, I'll only list one test for the create
it 'creates a new User' do
expect do
post :create, params: { user: valid_attributes }
end.to change(User, :count).by(1)
The routes.rb
devise_for :users, controllers: {
registration: 'user/registration'
I can navigate to my registration page just fine at http://localhost:3000/users/sign_up
, but for some reason, my tests don't seem to think this controller has a valid URL for the create
action. Why so?
Upon following D1ceWard's suggestion, I pluralized "registration" in my routes, and now the error message changed to a AbstractController::ActionNotFound
error. I countered that by following the documentation and added the following block to the top of my tests:
before(:each) do
@request.env['devise.mapping'] = Devise.mappings[:user]
Your error is caused by missing pluralization, devise
don't know what registration
is, but work with registrations
Solution :
# routes.rb
devise_for :users, controllers: {
registrations: 'user/registrations'
You can use rails routes
to check all existings routes.