I've recently begun learning Python and I wanted to write a script to extract the day of the month from a CSV column (formatted as YYYY/DD/MM) then compare website users to days of the month (and eventually weeks of the month) as a challenge/learning exercise. The gist is that it extracts the CSV info, formats it/converts to integers, and smushes it back together as a dictionary comparing days 1-31 with the number of site visitors.
My code is below. The error I'm receiving is 'KeyError: 1'on line 29 result[days] = users
. I think I understand what is happening (kind of - I'm guessing it's not happy with the way I'm trying to assign values to an empty dictionary? It seems to be looking for the integer 1 as a key but not finding it?) but I can't figure out what to do next. I'm about 2 weeks into learning Python so I hope this isn't too stupid a question. What am I doing wrong? How can I make the columns at index [0] and [1] of users_by_day the key and value in my dictionary?
Note: I am learning and using Python 3.
import csv
result = {}
with open('analytics.csv') as csv_file:
csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
line_count = 0
users_by_day = list(csv_reader)
for row in users_by_day: #iterate through data
day = row[0].split('/') #split date to extract day of month
try: #skip unsplit cells
day = day[1]
except Exception as e:
row[0] = day #set list column to extracted day value
users_by_day = users_by_day[1:-1] #strip headers
for row in users_by_day:
days = None
users = None
days = int(row[0]) #set values to int for math
users = int(row[1])
if days is not None:
if days in result: #trying to check for days in result
result[days] = users #where key error occurs
result[days] += users
The setdefault() call on dictionaries is great for this kind of thing, and is preferable to the if {thing} in {dict}
So the following code:
if days in result: # trying to check for days in result
result[days] = users # where key error occurs
result[days] += users
Could become:
result.setdefault(days, 0)
result[days] += users