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Split up single object into multiple objects

I have a single JSON object that I would like to split up into multiple objects. I've tried converting the single JSON object into an array. I couldn't figure out a pattern to break up the single object if there's an absent key, i.e. meal1, meal2, etc. I'm not even sure if this is the best approach. I appreciate any help or pointers in the right direction!


  "fullName1" : "John Doe",
  "attendance1" : 1,
  "meal1" : "salmon",
  "fullName2" : "Jane Doe",
  "attendance2" : 0

Desired result

  "fullName" : "John Doe",
  "attendance" : 1,
  "meal" : "salmon"
  "fullName" : "Jane Doe"
  "attendance" : 0

As far as my attempt, this is how far I've gotten:

const entries = [...elements];
// check for valid elements
const isValidElement = element => {
  return && element.value;
const isValidValue = element => {
  return (!['radio'].includes(element.type) || element.checked);
const formToJSON = elements =>
  [], (data, element) => {
    if (isValidElement(element) && isValidValue(element)) {
      data[] = element.value;
    return data;
  }, {});
const singleArray = formToJSON(entries);


  • You can use Object.entries and reduce like below to achieve this

    Loop through every record in the object, and store last digits from the key in temp Object.

    let obj = {
      "fullName1" : "John Doe",
      "attendance1" : 1,
      "meal1" : "salmon",
      "fullName2" : "Jane Doe",
      "attendance2" : 0
    let res = Object.entries(obj).reduce((o, [k, v]) => {
        let [name, number] = k.match(/\D+|\d+$/g)
        o[number] = { ...(o[number] || {}), [name]: v }
        return o
      }, {})