While I could define the ContextMenu without the FXML, I do not find a good way to define the context menu in FXML:
In source file:
ContextMenu contextMenu = new ContextMenu();
// This runs perfectly
<ContextMenu fx:id="contextMenu">
// This is incorrect in fxml. The Exception of "Unable to coerce javafx.scene.control.ContextMenu to class javafx.scene.Node" is thrown.
<MenuBar fx:id="menuBar">
//... Some Menu and items could be defined here
// This is correct in fxml
I understand that MenuBar works because it extends javafx.scene.control.Control that is a subclass of javafx.scene.Node but ContextMenu does not.
So is there any way to define properties of ContextMenu similarly in FXML?
Try to define it in the corresponding Node context (no pun intended :) through the contextMenu
<TextField fx:id="tf">
<ContextMenu fx:id="cmTF">
<MenuItem text="Add"/>
<MenuItem text="Remove"/>
<MenuItem text="Enhance"/>