I've faced an issue with nested string interpolation in C# 6.
For example, there is a string:
string test = "StartText MiddleText1 MiddleText2 EndText";
If I want to apply ToUpper() method for MiddleText1 only, I can do this way:
string test = $@"StartText {"MiddleText1".ToUpper()} MiddleText2 EndText";
But what if I want to apply a string method, for example Replace() for this part of string:
{"Middletext1".ToUpper()} MiddleText2
I expected that something like this will work:
string test = $@"StartText {"{"MiddleText1".ToUpper()} MiddleText2".Replace("x", "y")} EndText";
But this syntax is wrong - I've tried a lot variations, played with quotas but I couldn't get correct syntax for this purpose. I'd wish to not split the string in a different parts. Is there a way to solve it using interpolation feature only?
Stop trying to do everything in one line is my suggestion
The following is the answer
var middle = "MiddleText1";
middle = middle.ToUpper();
var middle2 = $"{middle} MiddleText2";
middle2 = middle2.Replace("x", "y");
string test = $"StartText {middle2} EndText";
Which, when you add it all together.
string test = $"StartText {$"{"MiddleText1".ToUpper()} MiddleText2".Replace("x", "y")} EndText";
In short, you were just missing a $
However, Even this is messy as i am not sure what all the replaces are for, where this text comes from, and what the issue is you are trying to solve