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RTMFP and firewalls/routers

I would like to use Flash's RTMFP peer protocol but I am wondering if its worth developing for a mainstream audience? From what I understand it uses UDP and unless firewalls/routers of the users are configured correctly it becomes useless.

Is there a solution to this problem?


  • I actually was about to post a question on this matter, it being if someone managed to get it working. Recently I started experimenting with flash P2P and so far it only seems to be working locally, connecting 2 browser flash clients on the same pc. As soon as the data has to travel over the internet (and thus has to deal with firewalls) connections will always fail, though both clients are able to fetch a Stratus peer ID.

    For what I have been reading, apps that use P2P/RTMFP also implement a fallback to RTMP, losing the P2P benefits like not having server bandwidth and UDP speed.

    Decompiling the chatroulette client, I also found it uses the RTMP fallback which makes me wonder how many sessions on chatroulette are actual P2P sessions.

    So apparently yes, it seems like a useless protocol..

    Really curious if someone managed to proof that otherwise.