Im creating an api to send me files and I will upload them to S3, and im using akka-stream-alpakka-s3
library to do it using streams.
my issue is that in my controller I can convert the file to Jave file:
def uploadToS3() = Action(parse.multipartFormData) { request =>
request.body.file("file").map { filePart =>
val filename = Paths.get(filePart.filename).getFileName
val file = Paths.get(s"/tmp/$filename").toFile // this is java file
saveToS3(file, filename)
and in my s3 service func I counld only use scala file since it have a "toByteArray" func and I need it for the source, it looks like this:
class S3Service @Inject()(mys3Client: S3Client,
configuration: Configuration,
implicit val executionContext: ExecutionContext,
implicit val actorSystem: ActorSystem) {
implicit val materializer: ActorMaterializer = ActorMaterializer()
val bucket: String = configuration.get[String]("")
// func to save to s3
def saveToS3(file: File, fileName: String): Future[AWSLocation] = {
// here im creating uuid so i to pass as directory so it will be possible to have files with the same name
val fileNameUUID: String = s"${UUID.randomUUID()}-$fileName"
// this will be my sinc for the stream
val s3Sink: Sink[ByteString, Future[MultipartUploadResult]] = mys3Client.multipartUpload(s"$bucket/$fileNameUUID", fileName)
// here is my issue: i need to transform the file to bytstring so I can creat it as the source but the file im getting from the controller is Java file and the function to create byteString is of Scala file so had to use scala file in this func.
Future.fromTry( Try{
}).flatMap { byteString =>
Source.single(byteString).runWith(s3Sink) map { res =>
AWSLocation(s"$bucket/$fileNameUUID", res.key)
}.recover {
case ex: S3Exception =>
logger.error("some message", ex)
throw ex
case ex: Throwable =>
logger.error("some message", ex)
throw ex
what would be the best way to align the file types so I will be able to pass bytestring file to my Source?
Take a look at FileIO.fromPath
which will give you Source[ByteString, ...]
from java.nio.file.Path