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Angular: Errors with passed @Input values to override button text and add class by using ngClass

I've created an angular component called app-button.

The template looks like this:

<div class="app-button">
    <button class="app-button__btn">{{text}}</button>

In the controller I have defined two @Input variables called modifier and text:

export class CanButtonComponent implements OnInit {
    @Input() modifier: string;
    @Input() text: string = "Default button";


In the template of a second component called sample-page, I'm reusing my component app-button like this:


At the moment, I got an HTML button with my default text Default button, so it's working fine.

Now I'm trying to work with my two @Input variables modifier and text.

First of all, I would add a second class, if I pass a value for modifier:

<app-button [modifier]="test"></app-button>

I tried it in two wayes:

1.) add second class directly in template of app-button with ngClass condition:

<div class="app-button" [ngClass]="{'app-button--{{modifier}}' modifier != ''}">...</div>

2.) add second class directly in template of app-button with ngClass calling function in controller:


<div class="app-button" [ngClass]="getModifier()">...</div>


getModifier() {
    if (this.modifier) {
        return `app-button--${this.modifier}`;

Both ideas are not working to add this second class by using the value of the passed modifier string.

Second issue with text

I also have a problem to override the default button text also by passing a value for @Input text:

<app-button [text]="This is a new text">...</app-button>

I've got follow console error:

Uncaught Error: Template parse errors:
Parser Error: Unexpected token 'is' at column 6 in [this is a new text]

Hope my two issues are clear.


  • When you do the following, you are saying that you are passing the "test" property from the parent component to the child:

    <app-button [modifier]="test"></app-button>

    If you are trying to pass actual test strings, you should do it like this:

    <app-button [modifier]="'test'"></app-button>


    <app-button [text]="'This is a new text'">...</app-button>